About Me

I am the wife to a wonderful man and the mother to a beautiful baby girl. I am a Project Manager by day and am charged daily with keeping people on task, yet I can't seem to do that at home and end up with 5 projects going at a time. I am also trying to start a home sewing & embroidery business & love to do projects around the house. I find I sleep less and less because I love each of these "jobs" so much that its just so hard to stop doing any of them to get some sleep. So, I figured why not just add a blog to the growing project list, lol!

I couldn't think of what to name my blog or how to design it, but after a beautiful weekend and a chair covering project that went better than planned (yes, that is it in the logo), I realized that not just my sewing area, but my whole house, had turned into a bit of crafty chaos!While reading this blog, I hope you find: something that makes you laugh, something that inspires you, or something that just entertains you for a few minutes.
